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- Janes Place | Chaffee Housing Authority
No one organization can solve the local housing crisis. Meeting it head-on will take all of us: government, the private sector, community groups, and individuals. But we believe it can be done. We think there are four steps that can provide a roadmap the Chaffee community can rally around, to make sure all our local workers, families and seniors have a safe, affordable place to call home. El condado de Chaffee es un lugar especial construido alrededor de un paisaje increíble y una comunidad muy unida. Sin embargo, nuestro valle enfrenta una miríada de desafíos, y el principal de estos desafíos es el acceso de vivienda para la creciente y diversa fuerza laboral, las familias y las personas en crisis, los voluntarios de Americorps y más que se esfuerzan por llamar hogar a este lugar. La Fundación Comunitaria del Condado de Chaffee (CCCF, siglas en inglés) junto con la Autoridad de Vivienda de Chaffee (CHA, siglas en inglés) proponen un proyecto de vivienda innovador y flexible, llamado Jane's Place, cerca del corazón del centro de Salida en la intersección de la calle 3rd y la carretera 291 en Salida. ¿Qué es el Hogar de Jane? Jane's Place es un proyecto heredado que honra a la visión de la difunta Jane Whitmer. Este proyecto traerá 17 unidades de vivienda a la comunidad de Salida, diseñadas para atender las necesidades locales inmediatas. Los empleados de temporada, las nuevos reclutados a nuestra fuerza laboral, las familias y las personas en crisis y los voluntarios de Americorps serán atendidos directamente a través de Jane's Place. Además, el proyecto incluirá una incubadora sin fines de lucro y una cafetería para empresas sociales. Bummer, but how can I help? In order to build Jane’s Place, voters must pass the ballot measure to retain revenue. If you’d like to get involved to raise awareness, we’d love to hear from you. Contact . Thank you for your continued support of housing in Chaffee County. What if ballot measure 6B passes? If 6B passes, CHA plans to begin construction on Jane’s Place in the winter of 2024-2025 following the election, pending closing on the financing with High Country Bank and contractor availability. What if ballot measure 6B fails? CHA will have to return millions of dollars of state grants making it extremely difficult for CHA to construct Jane's Place. The Board of County Commissioners could potentially form a single jurisdiction housing authority. All funds raised would need to be transferred to the new single jurisdiction housing authority. Single jurisdiction housing authorities are not subject to revenue restrictions, unlike multi-jurisdictional housing authorities. DONATE TO JANE'S PLACE EL LUGAR DE JANE Photo credit Phreckles Photography. May 18, 2023 Chaffee Housing Authority forms Jane's Place Committee At its last Board of Directors meeting on May 18, 2023, the Chaffee Housing Authority (CHA) formed an ad hoc committee devoted to ensuring that Jane’s Place begins construction as soon as possible. “Establishing this Jane’s Place committee is an exciting next step that will ensure this one-of-a-kind project gets to the finish line as quickly and efficiently as possible,” said Joseph Teipel, the Committee Chair. “The folks around the table on a weekly basis represent the commitment, diversity, and collaboration that has been intrinsic to this project since day one. With phase I construction complete, we are on the path to going vertical as soon as we possibly can.” The Jane’s Place Committee has the authority to develop plans and strategies related to the financing, partnership management, funding, future operational planning, and communications for Jane’s Place. Major decisions involving fiduciary oversight will be brought to the full CHA Board for discussion and approval. The committee is taking on four key initiatives. First, the committee is overseeing, reviewing, and supporting the financing of the project. Second, the committee is working to verify documentation of all partnerships related to the project and open the lines of communications with partners. Third, the committee is creating an implementation plan to close funding gaps, including grant research and writing, individual donor requests, confirmation of naming and sponsorship opportunities, and relationship management. Finally, the committee is developing and implementing a communications plan involving regular status updates to the community and key stakeholders. The committee is documenting all key initiatives in a written action plan with who/what/when reporting timelines. In creating the committee, the CHA Board partnered with the Community Foundation and Achieve, two organizations that will occupy space as tenants in the project. Betsy Dittenber of the Community Foundation had the following comment: “We are honored to have played a role in the Jane's Place project since its inception. Serving as a critical puzzle piece in community-driven initiatives is a core part of our mission as a community foundation. We are glad to have a more formalized structure to continue to help Chaffee Housing Authority advance their project.” Chaffee Housing Authority hosts Jane’s Place Celebration of Phase One El proyecto de Jane's Place recibió apoyo con una donación de $350,000 del Departamento de Servicios Humanos del Condado de Chaffee COMUNICADO DE PRENSA: 10 de febrero del 2022 Recientemente la Junta de Comisionados del Condado de Chaffee (BOCC, siglas en inglés) y el Departamento de Servicios Humanos (DHS, siglas en inglés) lograron otro impacto financiero positivo para un proyecto prioritario dentro de la comunidad, al aprobar una donación de $350,000 para apoyar el proyecto de la Autoridad de Vivienda de Chaffee llamado Jane's Place. La contribución es una reasignación presupuestaria especial por única vez que transferirá fondos de las reservas del DHS para apoyar la construcción del proyecto de vivienda adaptable en la intersección de la calle 3rd y carretera 291 en Salida. Jane's Place traerá 17 apartamentos a la comunidad de Salida, diseñados para satisfacer las necesidades locales inmediatas de vivienda para personal temporal, mano de obra local, familias e individuos en crisis y voluntarios de Americorps. Además, el proyecto incluirá un espacio de trabajo compartido sin fines de lucro y una cafetería de empresa social. El director del DHS, Dave Henson, comentó: “Alojamiento sigue siendo un área de gran necesidad para las familias y los niños a los que servimos a través del DHS. El modelo creativo que se está implementando a través de Jane's Place puede ayudarnos a brindar estabilidad de vivienda a nuestros clientes y mejorar el acceso continuo a otros servicios de apoyo a través de esta asociación directa con la Autoridad de Vivienda de Chaffee". El Departamento de Servicios Humanos y BOCC presupuestaron un total de $1 millón para apoyo por única vez de proyectos locales en el 2022, aprovechando la reserva de saldo de fondos del DHS para apoyar iniciativas alineadas con la misión en el condado. Además de estos fondos proporcionados a Jane's Place, en diciembre el DHS apoyó una contribución de $500,000 al Club de Boys and Girls del condado de Chaffee para su instalación en Buena Vista. El BOCC también continúa evaluando formas de apoyar las necesidades relacionadas con la primera infancia dentro del condado y espera aplicar el saldo restante de la asignación única del DHS a esta causa en los próximos meses. Jan Schmidt, Gerente de Finanzas de DHS, explicó: “DHS se complace en tener la oportunidad de apoyar otras necesidades de servicios humanos locales, incluidas soluciones como Jane’s Place, mediante el uso de nuestras reservas. Consideramos que estos proyectos son complementarios a nuestro trabajo central y creemos que ayudarán a profundizar los impactos positivos del DHS”. La directora de la Autoridad de Vivienda de Chaffee (CHA, siglas en ingles), Becky Gray, compartió su agradecimiento: “Esta contribución a Jane’s Place demuestra un compromiso y apoyo significativos para intervenciones innovadoras de vivienda asequible como Jane’s Place. Nuestra asociación con DHS continúa creciendo en colaboración, y espero con ansias cómo se desarrollarán estas colaboraciones en Jane's Place". La Autoridad de Vivienda de Chaffee estima que los costos de desarrollo de Jane's Place serán de aproximadamente $4.55 millones. Con la contribución del condado de Chaffee, CHA ha asegurado casi $2,645,000 en apoyo a través de subvenciones, apoyo de fundaciones, donaciones y contribuciones de la Ciudad de Salida. El Comité de Campaña Capital de Jane's Place informa que muchos donantes locales han contribuido al proyecto, con un total de más de $375,000 en contribuciones comunitarias. Photo credit Phreckles Photography. DONATE TO JANE'S PLACE Video created by 50 West Productions and intern Cooper Hodge. Los formularios de compromiso completos o cualquier pregunta sobre este proyecto se pueden enviar por correo electrónico a 719-530-2590. DONATE TO JANE'S PLACE Past Fundraiser Night of the Nutcracker A grand thank you to everyone who participated in the Night of the Nutcracker. Not only was it a wonderful evening enjoying dance excerpts from Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker, but it was an amazing tribute to our dear friend Jane Whitmer.
- Our Plan | Chaffee Housing Authority
No one organization can solve the local housing crisis. Meeting it head-on will take all of us: government, the private sector, community groups, and individuals. But we believe it can be done. We think there are four steps that can provide a roadmap the Chaffee community can rally around, to make sure all our local workers, families and seniors have a safe, affordable place to call home. NECESIDADES DE VIVIENDA To follow are the results from a survey conducted by the Chaffee Housing Authority in the summer of 2021 to learn more about housing challenges in the community. Click here to view interactive results from the survey.
- Contact | Chaffee Housing Authority
No one organization can solve the local housing crisis. Meeting it head-on will take all of us: government, the private sector, community groups, and individuals. But we believe it can be done. We think there are four steps that can provide a roadmap the Chaffee community can rally around, to make sure all our local workers, families and seniors have a safe, affordable place to call home. CONTACTAR CONTÁCTENOS Primer nombre Apellido Correo electrónico Mensaje Enviar Click here to download CONSULTAS Para cualquier consulta, duda o comentarios, favor llamar al: 719-530-2590 o llenar el siguiente formulario CHA - Edificio Touber 448 E 1st Street Salida, CO 81201 Teléfono: 719-530-2590
- Landlords | Chaffee Housing Authority
The Chaffee Housing Authority envisions a community with housing opportunities that are affordable for all residents. We envision a workforce that can live locally & fully participate in our community, contributing to a strong & resilient economy. RECURSOS PARA PROPIETARIOS Hay muchos problemas con los que los propietarios deben lidiar más allá de asegurarse de que la plomería funcione. Los problemas comunes incluyen: Mi inquilino necesita ayuda con el alquiler. Mi inquilino quiere usar un cupones de vivienda. Necesito asesoramiento legal sobre un problema de inquilinos. Ley de Vivienda Justa Ley de Arrendadores e Inquilinos de Colorado Programa de energía/climatización de NWCOG SHORT TERM RENTALS - STR Chaffee County is in the midst of a housing crisis, wherein many people employed by Chaffee County employers are unable to find secure housing, often times finding themselves living “doubled up” with another household, living in an RV or car, or residing in motels/hotels. This includes our medical staff, education staff, emergency responders, and service industry workforce, among many others. If you have a home in Chaffee County, we encourage you to rent long-term to local households to help keep our economy operating effectively. If you’d like to learn more about the Housing Needs in our community, you can find the most recent data assessment here: Every jurisdiction in Chaffee County has its own Short Term Rental policies and licensing requirements; the Chaffee Housing Authority has no oversight of STR’s. For more information, please see the links below. City of Salida Guidelines Town of Buena Vista Guidelines Town of Poncha Springs Guidelines Unincorporated Chaffee County Guidelines
- Our Plan | Chaffee Housing Authority
No one organization can solve the local housing crisis. Meeting it head-on will take all of us: government, the private sector, community groups, and individuals. But we believe it can be done. We think there are four steps that can provide a roadmap the Chaffee community can rally around, to make sure all our local workers, families and seniors have a safe, affordable place to call home. NUESTRO PLAN Ninguna organización sola puede resolver la crisis local de vivienda. Nos tomará a todos enfrentarlo de frente: el gobierno, el sector privado, los grupos comunitarios y los individuos. Pero creemos que se puede hacer. Creemos que hay cuatro pasos que pueden proporcionar un camino que la comunidad de Chaffee pueda seguir para asegurarse de que todos nuestros trabajadores locales, familias y personas mayores tengan un lugar seguro y asequible al que llamen hogar. Nuestro plan estratégico está alineado con este camino. Estas son las cuatro cosas que debemos hacer como comunidad, y las formas específicas en que la CHA está preparada para ayudar. Vea el plan estratégico de CHA 2022-2026 aquí . O descargar el plan estratégico en pdf. PLAN DE CUATRO PUNTOS PARA ABORDAR LA CRISIS DE VIVIENDA DE CHAFFEE 1 Cambiar las políticas gubernamentales para que las viviendas asequibles sean más alcanzables para los inquilinos y propietarios de vivienda. Objetivo de política y abogacía de CHA: Representar las necesidades de vivienda de los residentes del condado de Chaffee - es decir, hogares de bajos ingresos, hogares de ingresos moderados y personas empleadas por empleadores en el condado de Chaffee - en debates de políticas y estrategias a nivel federal, estatal y local. CHA se centrará en la equidad y la justicia al construir coaliciones de vivienda. Construir significativamente más unidades de vivienda - especialmente alquileres - para satisfacer las necesidades de los trabajadores locales, personas mayores y familias. La meta de desarrollo de vivienda de CHA: Contribuir a la construcción de unidades de vivienda permanentemente asequibles en el condado de Chaffee a través de alianzas público-privadas. 2 Establecer y apoyar programas locales - asistencia de alquiler, prevención de personas sin hogar y reubicación rápida - para miembros de la comunidad que enfrentan inseguridades de vivienda. Meta del programa de estabilidad de vivienda de CHA: Establecer, operar o promover programas locales que brinden estabilidad de vivienda a los residentes del condado de Chaffee. 3 4 Construir una organización sostenible con el mandato, la experiencia y el financiamiento para abordar temas de vivienda asequible. Meta de desarrollo organizacional de CHA: Operar la organización con el mayor profesionalismo, responsabilidad financiera y transparencia.
- Our Plan | Chaffee Housing Authority
No one organization can solve the local housing crisis. Meeting it head-on will take all of us: government, the private sector, community groups, and individuals. But we believe it can be done. We think there are four steps that can provide a roadmap the Chaffee community can rally around, to make sure all our local workers, families and seniors have a safe, affordable place to call home. NECESIDADES DE VIVIENDA Esta instantánea de las necesidades de vivienda en el condado de Chaffee, Colorado, se preparó como una actualización de la Evaluación y estrategia de necesidades de vivienda del condado de Chaffee, que se completó en el verano de 2016. Tiene la intención de apoyar y guiar el tiempo, el esfuerzo y la financiación futuros destinados a la producción de viviendas para trabajadores. Los datos presentados subrayan la amplitud y la intensidad del problema de la vivienda en todo el condado de Chaffee. La falta de viviendas disponibles y asequibles para la fuerza laboral local está afectando negativamente la economía local y la capacidad de las personas para vivir y trabajar en la comunidad. La coordinación y colaboración entre la Autoridad de Vivienda de Chaffee, el condado de Chaffee, la ciudad de Salida, el pueblo de Buena Vista, el pueblo de Poncha Springs, los empleadores, las organizaciones sin fines de lucro, los desarrolladores/constructores y los residentes ya está en marcha. Este estudio proporciona datos actualizados sobre la cantidad, la ubicación, la tenencia, el número de habitaciones y el precio de las viviendas necesarias para que los residentes y empleados locales prosperen. Además, consulte nuestro Plan Estratégico para conocer las formas en que estamos planeando abordar estos problemas.
- Housing Solutions Coalition | Chaffee Housing Authority
No one organization can solve the local housing crisis. Meeting it head-on will take all of us: government, the private sector, community groups, and individuals. But we believe it can be done. We think there are four steps that can provide a roadmap the Chaffee community can rally around, to make sure all our local workers, families and seniors have a safe, affordable place to call home. PLAN ESTRATEGICO La Autoridad de Vivienda de Chaffee (CHA) es una organización pública independiente, formada en octubre de 2020 a través de un acuerdo conjunto entre el condado de Chaffee, la ciudad de Salida y el pueblo de Buena Vista. El trabajo de la CHA se enfoca únicamente en aumentar las viviendas asequibles en todo el condado. Este Plan Estratégico 2022-2026, el primero de la organización, fue desarrollado por el personal y la junta inaugural en medio de una crisis de vivienda sin precedentes que afecta al condado de Chaffee, que se ha complicado y exacerbado por la pandemia de COVID-19. Estas amenazas duales han hecho que este plan sea más urgente, incluso cuando lo que está en juego ha aumentado para aquellos que luchan por vivir en el condado. Esta hoja de ruta estratégica sirve como guía para los próximos cinco años de operaciones de la organización. Fue informado directamente por aportes de la comunidad, incluida la encuesta más reciente de CHA que recopiló comentarios de casi 300 residentes con problemas de vivienda. También pretende reflejar las prioridades y las colaboraciones con el gobierno local, los grupos comunitarios y los líderes empresariales, todos los cuales también están trabajando para garantizar que los trabajadores y las familias locales, los más afectados por la escasez de viviendas asequibles y seguras en nuestra comunidad: tener un lugar al que llamar hogar. ● Innovative approaches and sustainable funding streams to promote housing density and address the housing crisis in Chaffee County. ● Policies that support a public/private ecosystem that builds housing to meet the needs of our community and its subgroups (workforce, employers, etc.) ● Maximizing available resources, existing assets, and new tools to attain housing for all income ranges through good policy and sound practices. ● Housing development throughout the income range, including “market rate” development beyond the currently accepted “affordable” range of up to 120% of Local Area Median Income. ● Opportunities to provide local resident households the opportunity to build financial equity, establish stability, and pursue opportunities to create intergenerational wealth and a sustainable community. ● Code and process improvements to remove barriers and expedite development that aligns with the housing needs of our community. The mission of the Housing Solutions Coalition is to provide a cohesive vision and voice to support projects and policies that address the housing crisis.
- boardofdirectors | Chaffee Housing Authority
The Chaffee Housing Authority envisions a community with housing opportunities that are affordable for all residents. We envision a workforce that can live locally & fully participate in our community, contributing to a strong & resilient economy. JUNTA DIRECTIVA DE LA CHA JOSEPH TEIPEL Vicepresidente de la Junta, Pueblo de Buena Vista Aporto a CHA más de 20 años de experiencia en construcción, desarrollo comunitario, desarrollo organizacional y gestión de proyectos. Nací y crecí en el condado de Chaffee, por lo que este lugar es mi hogar en el sentido más profundo de la palabra y estoy comprometido a hacer todo lo posible para que sea un mejor lugar para vivir para todos. Actualmente, trabajo como Director de Planificación del Pueblo de Buena Vista y vivo aquí con mi esposa Ashley y mis dos hijos. Mi lugar favorito en Chaffee es un camino de acceso de incendios antiguo que sale del pase de Cottonwood. Me encanta caminar allí con mi familia y mis cachorros. SALTY RIGGS Vice Chair, S alida Salty.Riggs @chaffeehousing authority. org I'm Salty, and my mission is to champion affordable housing within our community. As the President of BETCH, I've dedicated myself to ensuring that the workforce has a strong voice in the conversations surrounding housing decisions that directly affect their lives. I believe that housing is a human right, and my advocacy centers around turning this belief into a reality. I've been a vocal advocate for zoning reform, shedding light on the existing system's biases that favor wealthier landowners over the working class. The growing income disparity in our community over the last few years serves as a stark reminder of the urgency for change. My approach has always involved challenging the status quo. I am recognized for bringing a much-needed dose of reality to community conversations, and I've earned respect for the effort I put into doing research. Core principles drive my work – unity and agency. I'm deeply committed to giving the workforce the power to shape their own destinies and regain agency over their lives. My favorite place in Chaffee County is Hecla Junction. It’s always sunny at Hecla. ERIC WARNER Treasurer, At Large Eric.Warner@chaffeehousing As a Native who has spent most of my life on the Front Range, I've had a front row seat to the trebling of Colorado's population in my lifetime and the host of challenges that has growth has brought to our state. My wife and I decided to establish residency in Salida in 2018, and in just that short time the housing unaffordability problem has become dire in Chaffee County. I'm excited to work with the executive director and board of the CHA to apply both tried and true as well as innovative solutions to solve the greatest problem our county currently faces. As a successful entrepreneur and executive in the beverage manufacturing and retail space (primarily craft beer) I believe my contributions to the CHA board will be unique and complementary. I have a strong track record working with teams to develop strategic plans and implement the key initiatives that support them, scale newly formed companies and maximize outcomes with limited resources. I have deep experience writing, reviewing and being a party to hundreds of leases, contracts and other legal documents, leading commercial construction projects and managing budgets under constantly changing conditions. I believe my extensive experience in the aforementioned areas will be helpful as the CHA navigates its next phase of growth. I'm extremely lucky to live on the Arkansas River so my house is right up there among my favorite places in the county. I love F Street and Monarch Mountain too! ANGELA MOKATE Secretary, Chaff ee County Angela.Mokate@chaffeehousing I first came to Chaffee County in 2008 to work as a raft guide on the Arkansas River. I fell in love with the mountains and whitewater of Colorado and kept returning every summer. I met my husband Chris, a fellow guide and after building a supportive community we decided to make Colorado our home. Together we built a residential real estate inspection company that focuses on pre-purchasing inspections that he continues to run today. My “can do” attitude, creativity and ambition while working alongside buyers and agents during the inspection process motivated me to get my real estate license and transition into a Realtor in Chaffee County. Being a Realtor for Full Circle Real Estate Group has given me a magnified view of the challenges facing our community regarding affordable housing. I have also had the opportunity to work with Colorado Association of Realtors being one of thirteen Realtors from around Colorado chosen to attend their leadership academy including realtor day at the capital, Denver’s economic summits as well as Realtor property forums to address property rights and speak with state legislators about the housing crisis in Colorado. I am excited to help represent my community of the seasonal workforce, service workers, small business owners, independent contractors, and everyone else who has experienced hardships due to the housing shortage. My favorite place in Chaffee County is and will always be Browns Canyon and theNumbers sections of the Arkansas River. It was what first brought me to the valleyand continues to play a big role in my life and community here. LIBBY FAY Buena Vista Libby.Fay@chaffeehousing I have served as the Mayor of Buena Vista since 2022 and was a Buena Vista Board of Trustee for four years before that. I have encouraged the development of affordable housing by approving the donation of Town-owned land for the Midland Apartments and child care facility, and through facilitating and supporting public/private partnerships such as The Crossing and Alpine West. I spent my working career as a CPA in Denver. In addition to work and volunteer activities, I enjoy hiking, travel, having a great partner, walking my dog Chaco, biking, laughing, and having wonderful friends. My favorite place in Chaffee County is the James Street Bridge over Cottonwood Creek. JANIE HAYES Secretaria de la Junta, Condado de Chaffee Creo que la vivienda es el tema central para muchos de nuestros desafíos sociales relacionados con la equidad aquí en Chaffee, y quiero estar en un equipo que esté ayudando a abordar el problema. Mi experiencia y mi trabajo diario se centran en apoyar a las organizaciones de cambio social en sus esfuerzos de políticas, abogacía y comunicación. También soy redactora de discursos y estratega de participación pública. Disfruto apoyar a las personas y las causas que hacen del mundo un mejor lugar. Mi lugar favorito en el condado de Chaffee es mi patio trasero, mirando los hermosos picos de 14k pies que nos rodean y nos recuerdan lo pequeños que somos en realidad. ERIC LEE Chaffee County Eric.Lee@c haffeehousing Currently, I am the Executive Director of Full Circle Restorative Justice. My passion for inspiring and uplifting others was sparked by my own challenges growing up in Detroit, Michigan. The unique trials and tribulations of urban life and witnessing the impact of those experiences by others in my community planted the seed of service that would eventually lead to my life’s calling. In search of a higher path, I spent much of my young adult life in the hospitality industry. Prompted by moving to Colorado in 1989, I quickly began to build upon my leadership skills and as a self-taught chef opened three restaurants in Boulder County. Looking to be of greater service to my community, I began volunteering for several youth-based initiatives, including Project Yes and Lafayette Youth Sports. Soon after, I began my life coaching practice. After transitioning out of restaurants, I focused my on my coaching practice, specializing in health and wellness with a focus on fitness, nutrition, and stress management. Along the way, I have published three books: “Adam’s Eve – A Novel,” “Sweeping Her Off Her Feet with Food” (a romantic cookbook), and “29 Degrees – How to Live a Life of Inner Peace, Joy, and Purpose Regardless of Circumstances.” I love family life with my wife Trudi and my three children, Erica, Forrest, and Justin, as well as my stepson Brock. I also enjoy working out and playing outside, including mountain biking, hiking, off-roading, bow- hunting, and camping. Most recently, I come to you from Longmont, Colorado, where I have been serving my community as a Restorative Justice Facilitator with the Conflict Center in Denver. I was also an integral part of the Professional Standards-Citizens Review Panel for the Police Division in Longmont. I bring a wealth of dynamic leadership experience from a multitude of fields and am a passionate advocate and activist for criminal justice reform. DAN SHORE Salida Dan.Shore@chaffee When I ran for city council back in 2017 my primary motivation was to focus on our housing issues. In my capacity as mayor for the past two years I have continued to pursue that initiative. Prior to becoming a public official I spent approximately 30 years as a business development officer for primarily mutual fund companies. That career afforded me many opportunities to work with people with opposing viewpoints. I believe that skillset is directly transferable to serving on the housing authority board. CRAIG NIELSON Presidente de la Junta, Condado de Chaffee Como residente de Salida y el condado de Chaffee por más de veinte años, estoy emocionado de unirme al talentoso y diverso equipo de CHA para abordar las necesidades críticas de vivienda que enfrentan nuestras comunidades. Comenzando a principios de la década de los 1990, tuve una carrera de 20 años en planificación regional, desarrollo comunitario y vivienda asequible y he fundado dos exitosas organizaciones de vivienda sin fines de lucro. Desde 2005 soy propietario y administrador de Green Edge Design, un estudio de diseño arquitectónico de edificios ecológicos enfocados la vivienda sostenible. Es difícil nombrar solo un lugar favorito. Mis montañas favoritas en el condado son las "Ute Peaks" (Mount Ouray, Chipeta Mountain y Phalone Peak), llamados así en honor a los miembros de la familia de la tribu Ute, los habitantes originales de los valles. Como alpinista, mis lugares favoritos para escalar son los riscos alrededor de los túneles en CR 371. Esa área y el increíble paisaje interior del Monumento Nacional Browns Canyon, donde el desierto alto se encuentra con la montaña, también ocupan un lugar destacado en la lista. CHRIS LEDGER Alternate, At Large Chris.Ledger@chaffeehousing I moved to Chaffee County in 2013 to be a whitewater rafting guide on the Arkansas River. I soon fell in love with the valley with all of its amazing recreation opportunities. I then spent the next several years moving from seasonal job to seasonal job but always ended up finding myself back here in Chaffee County. Finally in 2020 my wife and I decided to get out of the seasonal circuit and started a Home Inspection business which I currently operate. While doing Home Inspections I have had a unique view of who are buying homes in Chaffee County and it was surprising to me that current residents buying homes were few and far between. This was one of the main reasons that I decided to join the CHA, as I want to be a part of the process that will make housing more attainable for the people who live and work in this amazing valley. My Favorite place in Chaffee County is the Arkansas River, where you can find me, my wife, and our dog enjoying the best whitewater in the state. CHRISTY DOON Alternate, Salida Christy.Doon@c haffeehousing I am currently the Interim Administrator for the City of Salida. Previous roles with Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) have included serving as the South Central Colorado Regional Manager and working on Rural Economic and Community Development. I am also on the faculties of the University of Colorado and Adams State University. Additionally, I serve on the Chaffee County Community Foundation Board (CCCF) and chair CCCF’s Nonprofit Capacity Committee. I have lived in Salida for 10 years. My husband, daughter and I enjoy all activities the area has to offer, including skiing, getting out on to the river and exploring the public lands that surround us. BRIAN BERGER Alternate, Buena Vista Brian.Berger@chaffeehousing I was recently provided the opportunity to take the position of Town Administrator for the Town of Buena Vista after serving as the Town Administrator/Treasurer for the Town of Poncha Springs over the last 7+ years. I have also served on numerous other boards in Chaffee County over the years; including, Monarch Community Outreach, Chaffee County Visitor’s Bureau, Chaffee County Transportation Advisory Board, Chaffee County E-911 Authority Board, San Luis Valley Transportation Planning Region, and the Chaffee Rec Council. Having lived here for almost 10 years, my favorite place in Chaffee County is still finding a new road on the map and exploring an area I haven’t been to. BETH HELMKE Alternate, Chaffee County Beth.Helmke@chaffeehousing I bring varied leadership experience from my professional background in the nonprofit sector, education, nature-based youth programming, and communications. I have a Bachelors in Molecular Biology and Masters in Nonprofit Management and currently work as Chaffee County Government’s Deputy Director. I am passionate about stewardship and sustainability and building a more inclusive and diverse outdoor recreation culture and community. My love for trail running, summit seeking, and all manner of backcountry adventuring also ties in well with her involvement with Chaffee County Search and Rescue-North.
- Inclusionary Housing Program | Chaffee Housing Authority
No one organization can solve the local housing crisis. Meeting it head-on will take all of us: government, the private sector, community groups, and individuals. But we believe it can be done. We think there are four steps that can provide a roadmap the Chaffee community can rally around, to make sure all our local workers, families and seniors have a safe, affordable place to call home. NUESTRO PLAN Ninguna organización sola puede resolver la crisis local de vivienda. Nos tomará a todos enfrentarlo de frente: el gobierno, el sector privado, los grupos comunitarios y los individuos. Pero creemos que se puede hacer. Creemos que hay cuatro pasos que pueden proporcionar un camino que la comunidad de Chaffee pueda seguir para asegurarse de que todos nuestros trabajadores locales, familias y personas mayores tengan un lugar seguro y asequible al que llamen hogar. Nuestro plan estratégico está alineado con este camino. Estas son las cuatro cosas que debemos hacer como comunidad, y las formas específicas en que la CHA está preparada para ayudar. Vea el plan estratégico de CHA 2022-2026 aquí . O descargar el plan estratégico en pdf. 711 Holman Court , Salida, CO 318 E First Unit #D , Salida, CO DEED RESTRICTED HOMEBUYER APPLICATION Application packet to follow or download the pdf here.
- RDGP | Chaffee Housing Authority
The Chaffee Housing Authority envisions a community with housing opportunities that are affordable for all residents. We envision a workforce that can live locally & fully participate in our community, contributing to a strong & resilient economy. RECURSOS PARA PROPIETARIOS Chaffee County’s Rental Deposit Guarantee Program (RDGP) offers security deposit assistance to residents of Chaffee County who are seeking to enter a new rental housing lease agreement. Approved applicants receive assistance (in an amount equal to the security deposit, not to exceed $1,500) via a Promissory Note (not cash) for the landlord, and an interest-free Repayment Agreement (“Payment Plan”) for the tenant. RDGP assistance is intended to reduce the upfront costs associated with a new rental housing lease agreement. Income Eligibility Guidelines RDGP assistance is available to Chaffee County residents who earn up to 120% of the Area Median Income: In order to be eligible for the Rental Deposit Guarantee Program, the applicant’s household must meet the income eligibility guidelines above, be able to maintain the monthly rental fee on the unit, be able to complete the RDGP Payment Plan within up to 12 months (not to exceed the initial term of the lease), never have defaulted on a prior RDGP Payment Plan, and be able to provide all of the following: an accurate, complete and legible application; documentation of all income and expenses; positive references from previous landlords; a written legal lease from the new landlord; a signed RDGP landlord form (stating that the new landlord understands the RDGP and is willing to participate in the program knowing that they will not receive cash upfront). Applicants may be denied if: they do not submit an accurate, complete and legible application with the required supporting documentation; they do not meet the income eligibility guidelines; the Chaffee Housing Authority is unable to verify their employment or income; it is determined that they cannot afford the rental unit; they have a prior history of damaging rental housing; they have consistently failed to pay rent in the past; they have failed to pay and/or defaulted on a prior RDGP Repayment Agreement (“Payment Plan”). The RDGP is not an emergency assistance program; the application process may require 10 or more business days to complete, beginning the date a completed application, with all supporting documentation, is received. If you have any questions, please call the Rental Deposit Guarantee Program at 719-920-3497. If you are interested in learning more about the RDGP, please fill out the information below: Thank you for providing us with your information, we look forward to working with you on the Rental Deposit Guarantee Program. We will contact you to verify eligibility and have you fill out an application. If you have questions, please contact us at 719-920-3497.
- I Need Housing | Chaffee Housing Authority
The Chaffee Housing Authority envisions a community with housing opportunities that are affordable for all residents. We envision a workforce that can live locally & fully participate in our community, contributing to a strong & resilient economy. CONTINUO DE CUIDADO A Continuum of Care is (CoC) es un enfoque colaborativo que ayuda a las comunidades a planificar y proporcionar una gama completa de servicios de apoyo y vivienda de emergencia, transitorios y permanentes para abordar las diversas necesidades de las personas que tienen una vivienda insegura. El Continuum of Care del Balance of State (BoS) de Colorado está organizado en 10 grupos de planificación regional, de los cuales el condado de Chaffee, junto con los condados de Fremont, Custer, Lake, Clear Creek, Gilpin, Park y Teller, constituyen el grupo Upper Arkansas Valley. El Continuum of Care (CoC) del condado de Chaffee se creó en 2022, reuniendo a organizaciones comunitarias de todo el condado que atienden a miembros de la comunidad tanto sin hogar como con vivienda insegura. Estas organizaciones van desde proporcionar servicios de salud mental conductual y para veteranos, hasta operar un refugio de emergencia de invierno para hombres y mujeres, hasta empoderar a las personas afectadas por la violencia doméstica. Coordinados por el nuevo Navegador de Vivienda de CHA, estos grupos ahora se reúnen dos veces al mes para trabajar en colaboración para lograr el objetivo principal de "vivienda primero, y luego acceso a otros servicios y recursos necesarios para miembros de la comunidad con inseguridad de vivienda".