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  • Our Plan | Chaffee Housing Authority

    REPORTE ANUAL Chaffee Housing Authority Proposes 6A & 6B to Address Housing Crisis ​ CHA is pursuing two crucial ballot measures in November 2024 to tackle the housing crisis gripping Chaffee County. With the aim of securing vital resources for housing programs and projects, CHA is advocating for the elimination of current Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) spending limits and the implementation of a modest sales tax increase. ​ The proposed measures are as follows: ​ 6B Retain Revenue for Affordable Housing : Measure 6B allows CHA to keep state, local and grant funding and intergovernmental revenues above the constitutional TABOR caps, while not increasing or changing existing taxes for and has no impact to County taxpayers or property owners. If the de-brucing measure passes, CHA can proceed with the plan to continue construction on Jane’s Place that would likely commence in early 2025. ​ Chaffee County, the City of Salida, the Town of Buena Vista, the Town of Poncha Springs, both local school districts, and the fire districts, along with most jurisdictions across the State of Colorado, have all sought and received voter approval to de-bruce since TABOR passed in 1992. ​ 6A Affordable Housing 0.5% Sales Tax Increase : CHA proposes a 0.5% (half percent) sales tax within Salida, Buena Vista, and unincorporated Chaffee County, with a 12-year sunset provision. Estimated to generate $3.5 million annually through 2035, this tax will fund CHA programs and projects aimed at bolstering affordable housing and housing security within the community. ​ CHA conducted a survey of Chaffee County residents in February 2024 to better understand the community’s desire to create a designated funding source for housing projects in the County. The survey showed that 59% of respondents support a 0.5% (half-percent) sales tax increase, which would generate $3.5 million dollars a year to fund affordable housing construction projects and expand programming to help solve the affordable housing crisis in Chaffee County. ​ The CHA's decision to pursue these ballot measures underscores the urgency of addressing the housing crisis in Chaffee County. With the gap between housing demand and supply widening, and a significant portion of residents struggling with affordability, action is urgently needed. ​ ​ CHA Ballot Measure Opinion Survey - Download the pdf here. CHA Ballot Measure Survey Executive Summary & Topline Results - Download the pdf here.

  • Calendar | Chaffee Housing Authority

    FIESTA CHICA Únase a nosotros el 22 de septiembre en el recinto ferial del condado de Chaffee para...

  • Join our Board | Chaffee Housing Authority

    JOIN OUR BOARD Please complete this Google Form application to apply to join the CHA board. CHAFFEE HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTOR JOB DESCRIPTION AND EXPECTATIONS (ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 21, 2023) General Statement of Duties: The Board of Directors’ responsibilities include active involvement as an advocate for the Chaffee Housing Authority (CHA) and affordable housing opportunities in general, participation in Board Development training opportunities, and providing governing direction and oversight of the activities conducted by CHA. Board members meet every month to provide governing direction and oversight to the Executive Director of the CHA; review progress on the CHA Strategic Plan; review, analyze, and approve financial records; review, evaluate, and make recommendations on housing policies, programs, and development opportunities; advocate for funding to support affordable housing developments in Chaffee County; advocate for affordable housing opportunities and programs in general; provide direction and oversight to CHA ED; and assist with additional opportunities as they may arise. Essential Functions: The following are essential functions of the Board of Directors, but not intended to be an exhaustive list of responsibilities or qualifications. As volunteers, the Board of Directors will need the ability to discern and perform other duties as requested and as program design and changes dictate. Performs duties as follows: Understand and adhere to the contents of the Intergovernmental Agreement that created the CHA and the Bylaws governing its operation; Understand and adhere to the contents of the Intergovernmental Funding Agreement that established funding for the CHA through 2023; Understand and adhere to the CHA Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion Policy ; Oversee the financial affairs of the Organization; Hire and oversee the performance of the CHA Executive Director, including an annual written and/or oral performance review; Review, contribute to, and adopt/update a Strategic Plan annually, including Values, Mission, and Vision; Approve and monitor the operating budget of the CHA; Review, contribute to, and adopt a yearly Annual Report; Direct CHA per adopted policy and procedures; Enthusiastically promote programs and projects of the CHA; Maintain confidentiality and apply discretion to when, how, and to whom person al information is shared regarding clients and/or projects in accordance with the CHA Conflicts of Interest Memorandum; Dependably perform other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors or CHA Executive Director; Work on one or more individual standing committees, as selected. Required Knowledge, Skill, and Ability: Individuals interested in serving on the CHA must meet the following minimum qualifications: Must be at least 18 years of age; Must be a full-time resident of Chaffee County; 3. Must have effective communication skills, both in person and in writing. 4. Must have a passion for affordable housing and serving the community. CHA Board Member Expectations I understand that as a member of the Board of Directors of CHA, I have a legal and ethical responsibility to ensure that the organization does the best work possible in pursuit of its goals. I believe in the purpose and the mission of the organization, and I will act responsibly and prudently as its steward. As part of my responsibilities as a board member: ​ 1. I will interpret the organization's work and values to the community, represent the organization, and act as a spokesperson. Specifically, if I am an elected official appointed to represent the jurisdiction to which I am elected, I will act as a conduit of information from the CHA Board to my elected governing body. ​ 2. In turn, I will interpret our constituencies' needs and values to the organization, speak out for their interests, and on their behalf, hold the organization accountable. ​ 3. I will connect with the external community to promote the organization's mission, values and programs (for example, through recruiting new board members, volunteers and donors, and expanding the organization's network of supporters). ​ 4. I will adhere to the following responsibilities and minimum standards: Must always represent CHA in a favorable manner, including in the public arena, and if speaking on behalf of the CHA at any public meeting, must always coordinate efforts with the CHA ED to assure a consistent and aligned message. Must commit to spending a minimum of 10 hours per month to the organization outside of regular board meetings. Must serve on at least one CHA standing committee (and serve on Ad Hoc committees as requested by the CHA Executive Director or the Board Chair). Must attend at least 75% of all CHA board meetings, special meetings, committee meetings, trainings, retreats and special events. Must completely and thoroughly read all material in the BOD meeting packet and come to all BOD meetings fully prepared to discuss and vote on action items and discussion items. Must ask questions to the CHA ED and or Board Chair if you have any questions before the meeting. Must maintain appropriate behavior at all BOD meetings and participate in discussion. Must maintain positive working relationships with other board members and CHA staff. Must exhibit a high level of tolerance and self-control for a wide range of human emotion, behavior, and background, treating all people with fairness, respect, and dignity, and work effectively with widely diverse groups. Must maintain phone and email communication with CHA Executive Director and CHA Board Chair; Commit to using proper channels for communication including work phones and work emails, and respect staff personal time when communicating. Must recognize potential conflicts of interests and disclose appropriately. Must be able to maintain confidential information. Must bring any issues that may arise to the attention of the CHA ED and Board Chair. Must notify the CHA ED and Board Chair via email if you are unable to attend any CHA meetings and, if appropriate, copy your Alternate Board Director and authorize them to vote on your behalf. 5. I will actively participate in one or more fundraising activities. ​ 6. I will recuse myself from discussions and votes where I have a conflict of interest. ​ 7. I will stay informed about what's going on in the organization. I will ask questions and request information. I will participate in and take responsibility for making decisions on issues, policies, and other matters. I will not stay silent if I have questions or concerns. ​ 8. While I am a member of this board, I will make every effort to vote in every public election. ​ 9. I will work in good faith with staff and other board members as partners toward achievement of our goals. ​ 10. If I don't fulfill these commitments and responsibilities to the organization, I understand the Board Chair will call me to discuss and attempt to remedy. If the situation cannot be resolved, the Chair will bring the matter to the full board for resolution, which may result in my removal from the CHA Board. The organization is responsible to the Board members for... 1. I will be sent, without having to request them, quarterly financial reports and an update of organizational activities that allow me to meet the "prudent person" standards of the law. (The "prudent person rule," applied in many legal settings in slightly differing language, states that an individual must act with the same judgment and care as, in similar circumstances, a prudent person would act.) ​ 2. Opportunities will be offered to me to discuss with the Executive Director and the Board Chair the organization's programs, goals, activities, and status; additionally, I can request such opportunities. ​ 3. The organization will help me perform my duties by keeping me informed about issues in the industry and field in which we are working and by offering me opportunities for professional development as a board member. ​ 4. Board members and staff will respond in a straightforward fashion to questions that I feel are necessary to carry out my fiscal, legal, and moral responsibilities to this organization. Board members and staff will work in good faith with me toward achievement of our goals. ​ 5. If the organization does not fulfill its commitments to me, I can call on the board chair and executive director to discuss the organization's responsibilities to me.

  • Our Plan | Chaffee Housing Authority

    REPORTE ANUAL Download the pdf here

  • Our Plan | Chaffee Housing Authority

    NUESTRO PLAN Ninguna organización sola puede resolver la crisis local de vivienda. Nos tomará a todos enfrentarlo de frente: el gobierno, el sector privado, los grupos comunitarios y los individuos. Pero creemos que se puede hacer. Creemos que hay cuatro pasos que pueden proporcionar un camino que la comunidad de Chaffee pueda seguir para asegurarse de que todos nuestros trabajadores locales, familias y personas mayores tengan un lugar seguro y asequible al que llamen hogar. Nuestro plan estratégico está alineado con este camino. Estas son las cuatro cosas que debemos hacer como comunidad, y las formas específicas en que la CHA está preparada para ayudar. ​ Vea el plan estratégico de CHA 2022-2026 aquí . O descargar el plan estratégico en pdf. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ PLAN DE CUATRO PUNTOS PARA ABORDAR LA CRISIS DE VIVIENDA DE CHAFFEE 1 Cambiar las políticas gubernamentales para que las viviendas asequibles sean más alcanzables para los inquilinos y propietarios de vivienda. Objetivo de política y abogacía de CHA: Representar las necesidades de vivienda de los residentes del condado de Chaffee - es decir, hogares de bajos ingresos, hogares de ingresos moderados y personas empleadas por empleadores en el condado de Chaffee - en debates de políticas y estrategias a nivel federal, estatal y local. CHA se centrará en la equidad y la justicia al construir coaliciones de vivienda. Construir significativamente más unidades de vivienda - especialmente alquileres - para satisfacer las necesidades de los trabajadores locales, personas mayores y familias. La meta de desarrollo de vivienda de CHA: Contribuir a la construcción de unidades de vivienda permanentemente asequibles en el condado de Chaffee a través de alianzas público-privadas. 2 Establecer y apoyar programas locales - asistencia de alquiler, prevención de personas sin hogar y reubicación rápida - para miembros de la comunidad que enfrentan inseguridades de vivienda. Meta del programa de estabilidad de vivienda de CHA: Establecer, operar o promover programas locales que brinden estabilidad de vivienda a los residentes del condado de Chaffee. 3 4 Construir una organización sostenible con el mandato, la experiencia y el financiamiento para abordar temas de vivienda asequible. Meta de desarrollo organizacional de CHA: Operar la organización con el mayor profesionalismo, responsabilidad financiera y transparencia.

  • Meeting Minutes | Chaffee Housing Authority

    MEETING MINUTES & RECORDINGS 08.15.24 Meeting Minutes 07.18.24 Meeting Minutes 06.25.24 Meeting Minutes 05.16.24 Meeting Minutes 05.01.24 Special Meeting Minutes 04.18.24 Meeting Minutes 04.04.24 Special Meeting Minutes 03.26.24 Special Meeting Minutes 03.21.24 Meeting Minutes ​ 03.07.24 Special Meeting Minutes ​ 02.22.24 Meeting Minutes ​ ​ 01.18.24 Meeting Minutes 12.21.23 Meeting Minutes 11.30.23 Training - No Minutes 11.16.23 Meeting Minutes 11.15.23 Work Session Minutes 10.19.23 Meeting Minutes 09.21.23 Meeting Minutes 08.17.23 Meeting Minutes 07.20.23 Meeting Minutes 06.15.23 Meeting Minutes 05.18.23 Meeting Minutes 04.20.23 Meeting Minutes 03.16.23 Meeting Minutes 02.16.23 Meeting Minutes 01.19.23 Meeting Minutes 09.19.24 Recording 08.15.24 Recording 07.18.24 Recording N/A 06.25.24 Recording 05.16.24 Recording 05.01.24 Special Mtg Recording #1 05.01.24 Special Mtg Recording #2 04.18.24 Recording 04.04.24 Special Mtg Recording #1 04.04.24 Special Mtg Recording #2 03.26.24 Special Mtg Recording #1 03.26.24 Special Mtg Recording #2 03.21.24 Recording #1 03.21.24 Recording #2 03.07.24 Special Mtg Recording #1 03.07.24 Special Mtg Recording #2 02.22.24 Recording #1 02.22.24 Recording #2 02.22.24 Recording #3 01.18.24 Recording 12.21.23 Recording 11.30.23 Board Training Recording 11.16.23 Recording 11.15.23 Work Session Recording 10.19.23 Recording N/A 09.21.23 Recording 08.17.23 Recording 07.20.23 Recording 06.15.23 Recording 05.18.23 Recording N/A 04.20.23 Re cording N/A 03.16.23 Recording N/A 02.16.23 Recording N/A 01.19.23 Recording N/A

  • Housing | Chaffee Housing Authority

    Formed in 2020 by Chaffee County, the City of Salida, and the Town of Buena Vista, CHA is a multi-jurisdictional housing authority working across Chaffee County to ensure we are a thriving community with housing for all. ​​Since 2020, the CHA has been able to leverage local funding into nearly 7 million dollars to invest in housing projects and programs. ​ ​ ​ WHAT WE DO ​ Housing Creation and Preservation We catalyze affordable housing projects through partnerships, acquisition, and offering creative financing tools. Management of Affordable Property We act as stewards of dedicated affordable rental projects and homeownership units to maintain a supply of housing affordable to residents into the future. Housing Stability We support agencies and organizations with service coordination to prevent housing displacement and reduce community homelessness. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ CHA PROJECT PIPELINE ​ ​ ​ ​ Midland Apartments CHA has partnered with Fading West Development for 60 units in Buena Vista which will all be deed restricted at 80 - 120% of AMI. ​ Alpine West In partnership with Chaffee Housing Trust, CHA has applied for $1,320,000 in state funding to acquire 2.4 acres of the Alpine West development in Buena Vista which is planned for up to 6 affordable homeownership and 75 rental units. ​ Jane's Place CHA has raised around $5 million to develop a multiuse project with 17 flexible lease units for 80-100% of AMI and commercial space for nonprofits in Salida. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Regional Collaboration, Education, and Advocacy We ensure local government, community organizations, the private sector, and community members have access to best practices, data, and information which supports effective collaboration on solutions to our housing challenges. Housing Capacity We invest in the regional housing organizational capacity, systems, and partnerships necessary to successfully address housing challenges now and in the future.​ The Crossing As part of a multiuse infill project in Buena Vista, CHA has partnered with the Chaffee Housing Trust and the developer to apply for $2.1 million to acquire land for 32 homeownership and 33 rentals units at 80-100% AMI. 505 Apartments CHA has applied for funding to acquire this complex in Salida preventing 19 rental units from being converted from affordable to unaffordable.

  • House Party | Chaffee Housing Authority

    FIESTA CHICA Únase a nosotros el 22 de septiembre en el recinto ferial del condado de Chaffee para... The Chaffee Housing Authority held its first House Party providing a free, fun, educational, and interactive event to the public and housing partners. The goal of this event was many-fold: Celebrate the accomplishments and efforts of all the housing and community organizations to date Provide context and Housing Needs Assessment data to illustrate the crisis of lack of affordable housing in Chaffee County Garner community input for two Housing Authority strategies— community budgeting and tenant selection criteria. We sought community feedback on how community members would prioritize future Housing Authority financial resources. Participants were presented with a hypothetical housing budget of 2 million, and four designated bucket areas to allocate funds. Participants were then asked to take 15 minutes to wander the room and “gather information,” seeking out conversations with housing experts and partners around housing needs and challenges. Once everybody was brought back together, we presented the four bucket areas individually and asked participants to designate a percentage of that budget to each, based on what they learned. Those results, compared to current recommendations, are presented below: The second question involved the current Rental Tenant Selection Criteria established in our 2022 Community Guidelines and used for affordable, or deed-restricted housing units. Due to the limited supply of rental housing and the significant demand for such, the CHA has adopted a weighted point system for prioritizing applicant households within the CHA waiting list. These criteria are widely discussed and disputed among groups and community members and we have committed to reviewing and amending selection criteria, if necessary, on an annual basis. For a more in-depth look at the survey, please view the Power Point House Party Presentation with Data Slides. We also had a lot of fun engaging with community members, meeting new friends and sharing ideas on housing topics. A huge Thank You to everyone that participated! And if you missed - we will see you at the next House Party! Thank you to our sponsors:

  • Our Plan | Chaffee Housing Authority

    NECESIDADES DE VIVIENDA Esta instantánea de las necesidades de vivienda en el condado de Chaffee, Colorado, se preparó como una actualización de la Evaluación y estrategia de necesidades de vivienda del condado de Chaffee, que se completó en el verano de 2016. Tiene la intención de apoyar y guiar el tiempo, el esfuerzo y la financiación futuros destinados a la producción de viviendas para trabajadores. ​ Los datos presentados subrayan la amplitud y la intensidad del problema de la vivienda en todo el condado de Chaffee. La falta de viviendas disponibles y asequibles para la fuerza laboral local está afectando negativamente la economía local y la capacidad de las personas para vivir y trabajar en la comunidad. La coordinación y colaboración entre la Autoridad de Vivienda de Chaffee, el condado de Chaffee, la ciudad de Salida, el pueblo de Buena Vista, el pueblo de Poncha Springs, los empleadores, las organizaciones sin fines de lucro, los desarrolladores/constructores y los residentes ya está en marcha. Este estudio proporciona datos actualizados sobre la cantidad, la ubicación, la tenencia, el número de habitaciones y el precio de las viviendas necesarias para que los residentes y empleados locales prosperen. ​ Además, consulte nuestro Plan Estratégico para conocer las formas en que estamos planeando abordar estos problemas.

  • Our Plan | Chaffee Housing Authority

    NECESIDADES DE VIVIENDA The Chaffee Housing Authority (CHA) is an independent public organization, formed in October 2020 through a joint agreement between Chaffee County, the City of Salida, and the Town of Buena Vista. The CHA’s work focuses solely on increasing access to affordable housing across the county. P UR POSE Community leader partnering for inclusive and secure housing ​ VISION A thriving community with housing for all ​ MISSION Delivering housing units and stability through partner-driven development, education and advocacy, and impactful programming ​ VALUES Lead ership, Integrity, Stewardship, Community, Equity, Partnerships ​ P riority Outcomes By December 31, 2024: ​ 1. Development Add 75 deed-restricted, rental units (13.6% of the 2027 need identified in 2022 Housing Needs Assessment) by building Jane’s Place and leasing up Carbonate Street Secure formal, diverse developer partnerships proposing an additional 75 deed restricted, rental units to be built in the next three years 2. Education, PR & Advocacy Improve CHA awareness and build trust in the community by implementing a marketing plan with consistent messaging and media presence Influence local policy and land use decisions through targeted advocacy work 3. Programming Deepen the effectiveness of the Continuum of Care and Rental Deposit Guarantee program Implement strong tenant eligibility, deed restriction, rapid rehousing, and homeless outreach programs Lease up and manage Jane’s Place effectively 4. Funding Create an aspirational budget (baseline, ideal, and best case) that includes assumptions for the time value of money as demonstrated in a 3-5 year outlook Secure a 10-year revenue stream of at least $1-2M annually by pursuing a comprehensive funding plan that could include: ○ intergovernmental commitments ○ real estate transactions ○ a ballot initiative ○ special limited partnership program ○ fee for services ○ endowment campaign ○ jurisdiction impact fee ○ property management fees ​ Haga clic aquí para ver la versión del plan estratégico en español. ​ ​

  • Our Plan | Chaffee Housing Authority

    PERSONAL Y CONSULTORES JEN-AI STOKESBARY Real Estate Projects Manager I am grateful for CHA’s work and thrilled to help create more housing for Chaffee County residents, and to help more residents move-in to homes. Friends and family have struggled with chronic homelessness and benefitted from supportive housing and affordable housing. I am a first-time developer of inclusionary homeownership units in partnership with Chaffee Housing Trust. I have an MBA from CU Boulder and am a Project Management Professional. I worked in start-ups and early stage business for 14 years and am comfortable wearing multiple hats to create impactful outcomes. ​ While it’s impossible for me to choose one favorite spot in Chaffee County, I’ve been loving surfing Scout Wave 2.0 in the quieter low-water months, and also at higher water with heaps of elated surfing friends. BECKY LONGBERG Housing Program s Manager After an up-ending year and a half of covid, I was looking for meaningful and fulfilling work that excercises my wide range of experience and skills. In my life, I've been both a homeowner and looked down the barrel of homelessness. I know the blessing and relief of home security and am grateful to have such impactful work. ​ Twenty years ago, I'd have said my favorite place is anywhere above treeline. Now that I'm in my 50's, my favorite place is anywhere I can see treeline . . . most often that place seems to be my front porch. DAWN HEIGELE Bookkeeper Affordable housing is a topic that I have been passionate about for years. When my husband and I opened Café Dawn in 2008, affordable housing was an issue that no one wanted to discuss. Over the years, we watched as homes that were affordable sold and turned into vacation rentals and 2nd houses. As small business owners, we did the best we could to pay a wage that kept up with the soaring rental prices, but the diminished inventory of affordable homes made it difficult to find employee housing. After retiring Café Dawn, I wanted to work in a field that I found rewarding. Bookkeeping for Chaffee Housing Authority allows me to have a direct impact on an issue that I have felt strongly about for years.

  • Our Plan | Chaffee Housing Authority

    NECESIDADES DE VIVIENDA Fading West & Town of Buena Vista break ground on Midland Apartments A larger-than-expected group gathered amid infrequent snowflakes to celebrate the groundbreaking for the Carbonate Street project. Developer Fading West came together with town staff, the mayor, and Buena Vista trustees among other partners to officially break ground on what is now known as the Midland Apartments.... Read Here CHA proposes ballot measures for affordable housing The Chaffee Housing Authority announced March 22 that it plans to pursue two ballot measures relating to housing shortages in Chaffee County. The measures will appear on the November ballot. .. Read Here Carbonate Street to break ground April 1 The Town of Buena Vista, Fading West Development and senior lender Collegiate Peaks Bank have announced the groundbreaking for the Midland Apartments, an attainable rental housing project for Chaffee County, on April 1. Read Here Jane's Place gets $300,000 in government funding Jane’s Place received $300,000 in government funding to install a solar array on the roof of the multigenerational housing complex... Read Here LWVCC - panel discussion from March 12 Watch as The League of Women Voters of Chaffee County (LWVCC) host a panel of the county’s housing decision-makers to discuss options and upcoming opportunities in affordable housing... Read Here Point-in-Time count finds 26 staying in emergency shelters, motels On the night of Jan. 30, The Chaffee County Continuum of Care conducted a point-in-time survey of people experiencing homelessness in the county, finding a total of 26 people in area emergency shelters and staying in motels that night... Read Here Salida City Council reviews affordable Housing funding, parking program at work session At their work session on Monday, February 5, the Salida City Council (SCC) heard a report from Ashley Kappel, Executive Director of the Chaffee Housing Authority... Read Here CHA ballot survey goes live The housing issue ballot survey, which was approved at its January 18 regular meeting, is designed to get feedback from Chaffee County residents on their responses to a couple of different tax proposals... Read Here LWVCC program to feature panel on "Affordable Housing in Chaffee County" The League of Women Voters of Chaffee County (LWVCC) will host a panel of the county’s housing decision-makers to discuss options and upcoming opportunities in affordable housing... Read Here CHA board to consider survey wording The Chaffee Housing Authority (CHA) will hold its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, January 18, at 4:30 p.m. There will be no in-person meeting; according to the agenda, it is online only... Read Here Dear Editor: Thanks to HCB On behalf of the Chaffee Housing Authority board of directors, I am writing to express our heartfelt appreciation to High Country Bank for their recent fundraising efforts... Read Here With coffee shop - Achieve will expand program While housing has been the primary buzzword surrounding Jane’s Place, the community space will also include a nonprofit incubator and a social enterprise... Read Here Holiday Spectacular raises $17,948 for Jane's Place The Second Annual Holiday Spectacular Dec. 16 featured many styles of dance and many ages of dancers at the Salida High School... Read Here CHA recruiting new board member The Chaffee Housing Authority (CHA) announced this week that it is looking for one new Director to join the CHA Board. The opening is for an At-Large Director... Read Here CHA approves voter survey fore 2024 Ballot Initiative At their regular meeting on November 16, the Chaffee Housing Authority (CHA) considered and approved: letters of support for two affordable housing projects... ​ Read Here Holiday Spectacular to benefit Jane’s Place Nutcrackers, cocoa and artistic performances galore are only the tip of the icicle for what attendees can expect from the Holiday Spectacular... ​ Read Here Dear Editor: In support of the winter shelter Winter is coming soon and for the past three winters, Chaffee County Hospitality Inc. (CCHI) has provided seasonal shelter to our unhoused community members, along with a hot meal every evening... ​ Read Here Council discusses outdoor pools and CHA plans Salida City Council discussed Chaffee Housing Authority’s new strategic plan for 2024 and potential community pool and soaking pool construction during a work session Monday... ​ Read Here CHA Happenings Long-term residents of Chaffee County, the Smith family found themselves unhoused and financially insecure in August of 2022 (names changed for privacy reasons)... ​ Read Here CHA considers 2024 budget draft, new members, county ADU plan At the regular Board meeting of the Chaffee Housing Authority (CHA), Executive Director Ashley Kappel presented a draft budget for 2024, noting that certain line items, such as insurance and legal services... Read Here CHA moves forward with Jane's Place Funding At their regular meeting on Thursday, August 17, the Board of the Chaffee Housing Authority (CHA) heard an update on Jane’s Place... ​ ​ Read Here CHA receives 'critical' grant for Jane's Place The Chaffee Housing Authority recently received a $1,287,000 grant from the Colorado State Housing Board’s Transformational Affordable Housing Grant Program for Jane’s Place... Read Here CHA gets Jane's Place funding update, votes on the Crossing's Project At their regular meeting on July 20, the Chaffee Housing Authority (CHA) took a number of actions, including new officer elections and a vote to approve Resolution 2023-17, and establishing a partnership with Paul Andrews... Read Here The Crossing major subdivision receives rezoning approval from BV Trustees Affordable housing was a key point of the July 25 Buena Vista Board of Trustees meeting as the Board approved the next steps in public hearings for two major subdivisions, The Crossing and Carbonate Street... Read Here CHA Board considers South Ark Neighborhood position statement During design charette meetings in March, 2023 various individuals and interest groups expressed their preferences for allocation of the South Ark Neighborhood parcel in Salida... ​ Read Here New CHA director Kappel hosts BV meet-up The Chaffee Housing Authority introduced its new director at a meet-and-greet Monday, June 12 at Deerhammer Distillery in Buena Vista. Director Ashley Kappel socialized with town staff and local residents... Read Here CHA to host Meet & Greets with new Executive Director The Chaffee Housing Authority (CHA) Board of Directors will host two upcoming “Meet and Greets” with its new Executive Director, Ashley Kappel... Read Here Housing Authority appoints executive The Chaffee Housing Authority board of directors announced Thursday the appointment of Ashley Kappel its new executive director effective April 24... ​ Read Here CHA hosts phase one Jane's Place Celebration The mood was celebratory — filled with rainbows, leis and laughter under a robin’s egg blue sky. The crowd of around fifty or so attendee project supporters, key donors, and community leaders tromped on the... Read Here Housing Authority Board adopts four measures, updates guidelines, holds executive session With the recent departure of Becky Gray, its founding Executive Director, the Chaffee Housing Authority (CHA) is in transition mode, finding a new path... Read Here Chaffee Director of Housing Becky Gray moving on leaving "big shoes to fill" Chaffee County says goodbye this week to the person who pioneered the Chaffee Office of Housing, Director of Housing Becky Gray... Read Here CHA signals progress ahead for 2023 The Chaffee Housing Authority (CHA) Board of Directors held their monthly meeting on Thurs. Feb. 16. Vice Chair, Joseph Teipel welcomed guests Abby Peters, program manager from the Chaffee County Economic Development Corporation and "Salty" Riggs, founder... Read Here Chaffee BOCC approves portion of county lodging tax for CHA Following a lengthy discussion during its January 31 special session the Chaffee Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) finally made a motion that will allocate up to 60 percent of the county’s annual lodging tax to the CHA... Read Here Commissioners show support for CHA Jane's Place Chaffee County Deputy Director of General Administration Beth Helmke was appointed as the county alternate to the Chaffee Housing Authority at the commissioner’s meeting Tuesday... Read Here CHA seeking Executive Director The Chaffee Housing Authority (CHA) has begun formal recruitment efforts for a new Executive Director, to replace Executive Director Becky Gray, who announced in December that she... Read Here Housing Authority offers thanks On behalf of the Chaffee County Housing Authority, we would like to sincerely thank High Country Bank for orchestrating the “Night of the Nutcracker” special event to benefit the construction of Jane’s Place, which raised $11,000... Read Here Chaffee Housing Authority Chaffee Housing Authority 230 W 16th - Suite C Salida, CO 81201 719-920-3497 ​ ​ ​ Read Here

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