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Chaffee Housing Authority Recruiting for Board of Directors 


Chaffee County, Colorado, December 28, 2022: 


The Chaffee Housing Authority (CHA) is seeking interest from the public to fill one vacant seat on its Board of Directors, the county-wide At-Large Alternate seat. Chaffee County residents who are interested in applying can find more information, including a job description and application, on the CHA’s website at  The Board of Directors meets monthly.

In an effort to increase representation from the community it serves, the CHA especially welcomes applications from those directly impacted by the housing crisis, as well as people of color and those with disabilities.  In selecting board members, the CHA prioritizes skills and the ability of applicants to attend meetings and participate in required committee meetings and ad hoc events.  CHA can provide childcare to Board members, if needed, to increase participation.

Qualifications for this position includes being at least 18 years old, a full-time resident of Chaffee County, and having interest in and support for creating safe, stable, and accessible housing for Chaffee County residents.  Desirable qualifications for this vacancy includes experience in one or more of the following:

  • Recent Lived experience with housing insecurity;

  • Organizational Operations; 

  • Housing and Mixed-Use Development;

  • Fiscal Oversight and Organizational Management;

  • Marketing and Communications;


Applications must be submitted by 5:00 pm on January 31st, 2023 and will be followed by review and select candidate interviews. The board term will begin in March and will last one calendar year; Board members can serve up to three consecutive terms. 

The Board of Directors is the governing body for the Chaffee Housing Authority, a multijurisdictional housing authority, created through an intergovernmental agreement between Chaffee County, the Town of Buena Vista, and the City of Salida, with a mission of facilitating Chaffee County residents’ access to safe, sustainable, inclusive, and affordable housing through data-driven policy, housing programs, funding, awareness-raising, and the building of housing units.

This nine-member Board is comprised of three members appointed by the Chaffee County Commissioners, two members appointed by the Buena Vista Trustees, two members appointed by the Salida City Council, and two at-large members appointed by the sitting CHA Board. Each jurisdiction, as well as the At-Large seats, have Alternate board members who participate in Board meetings and discussions, but do not hold voting seats; rather, they step in on behalf of the jurisdiction they represent, should a voting member be absent. Questions may be directed to CHA Director Becky Gray at 719-530-2590 or



General Statement of Duties:

The Board of Directors’ responsibilities include active involvement as an advocate for the Chaffee Housing Authority (CHA) and affordable housing opportunities in general, participation in Board Development training opportunities, and providing direction and oversight of the activities conducted by CHA.


Board members meet monthly to provide direction and oversight to the staff of the CHA; review progress on the CHA Strategic Plan; review, analyze, and approve financial records; review, evaluate, and make recommendations on housing policies, programs, and development opportunities; advocate for funding to support affordable housing developments in Chaffee County; advocate for affordable housing opportunities and programs in general; provide direction and oversight to CHA staff; and additional opportunities as they may arise.


Essential Functions:  The following are essential functions of the Board of Directors, but not intended to be an exhaustive list of responsibilities or qualifications.  As volunteers, the Board of Directors will need the ability to discern and perform other duties as requested and as program design and changes dictate.  


Performs duties as follows:  

  • Understand and adhere to the contents of the Intergovernmental Agreement that created the Chaffee Housing Authority and the By-laws governing its operation;

  • Understand and adhere to the contents of the Intergovernmental Agreement that established funding for the Chaffee Housing Authority through 2023; 

  • Hire and oversee the performance of the Chaffee Housing Authority Executive Director, including an annual written and/or oral performance review;

  • Review, contribute to, and adopt/update a Strategic Plan yearly, including Values, Mission, and Vision;

  • Approve and monitor the operating budget of the Chaffee Housing Authority;

  • Review, contribute to, and adopt a yearly Annual Report;

  • Direct Chaffee Housing Authority per adopted policy and procedures;

  • Enthusiastically promote programs and projects of the Chaffee Housing Authority; 

  • Maintain confidentiality and apply discretion to when, how, and to whom personal information is shared regarding clients and/or projects;  

  • Dependably perform other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors or Chaffee Housing Authority Executive Director;

  • Work on individual committees, as assigned;


Required Knowledge, Skill, and Ability:

Individuals interested in serving on the Chaffee Housing Authority must meet the following minimum qualifications: 

  1. Must be at least 18 years of age;

  2. Must be a full-time resident  of Chaffee County;

  3. Must have effective communication skills, both in person and in writing.  

  4. Must maintain positive working relationships with other board members and Chaffee Housing Authority staff;

  5. Must exhibit a high level of tolerance and self-control for a wide range of human emotion, behavior, and background, treating all people with fairness, respect, and dignity, and work effectively with widely diverse groups.

  6. Must maintain phone and email communication with Chaffee Housing Authority Executive Director; 

  7. Must recognize potential conflicts of interests  and disclose appropriately;

  8. Must be able to maintain confidential information.


Download an Application as a PDF or fill in the document below. Thank you!

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