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CHA administers the City of Salida's Inclusionary Housing (IH) Units. All IH Units are Deed Restricted. A deed restriction is a recorded covenant that requires a buyer meet income requirements such as earning income in Chaffee County, and not earning more than the income limit. Each unit has a specific income limit. Please see property listings for unit details.
Current Salida IH properties:
711 Holman Court, Salida, CO << Click link for full listing information for the mirror image unit. Apply below.
713 Holman Court, Salida, CO SOLD
318 E First Unit #D, Salida, CO SOLD
Chaffee Housing Trust
Chaffee Housing Trust uses a land trust model to provide ownership opportunities to households earning 100% of our Area Median Income or less in Chaffee and Lake Counties. More information: https://www.chaffeehousing.org/ or (719) 239-1199
Habitat for Humanity
Chaffee County Habitat for Humanity uses a sweat-equity model to make home ownership opportunities possible for households earning 60% of our Area Median Income or less in Chaffee County. More information can be found here: http://chaffeehabitat.org/wp/ or 719-395-0482
Upper Arkansas Area Council of Governments
The UAACOG offers a variety of programs and supports for home ownership including low cost loans and grants for remodels. More info can be found here: https://www.uaacog.com/what-we-do/housing.html and (719) 275-8350
Colorado Housing Finance Authority
Is an organization that can help secure mortgages local banks cannot. cheaper loans a loan, assist with down payment and provide education. https://www.chfainfo.com/homeownership
Colorado Housing Connects 1-844-926-6632
Emergency Mortgage Assistance, Home Repair and Refinancing
Down Payment Assistance, Buyer Education, First Time Home Buyer Assistance
NWCCOG Energy Assistance Program
Assists with weatherization of homes, manages the Colorado Affordable Residential Energy (CARE) Program and Emergency Assistance. https://www.nwccog.org/programs/energy-program/
VOA – Back Home SSVF
Veteran Services Center, 1247 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, CO 80204, (720) 300-3704
Colorado Legal Services
(719)539-4251, Jena Baitlon, https://www.coloradolegalservices.org/ 1604 H Street #201, Salida, CO 81201​
Chaffee Resources
Your one-stop hub to health and wellness services in Chaffee County. www.ChaffeeResources.com, Chaffee County Public Health (719) 221-5418